Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Swimmingly smitten............

For Sale
Breakfast Time
Oil On Canvas 24 x 30 cm
(c) Copyright Kate Lomax 2010 All Rights Reserved
I adore depicting water and fishes.  Almost as much as my love of painting feathers. In fact, if I was honest I would say they are both hot contenders for the canvasses in my heart! 

The key issue I guess is that  both forms represent freedom, something I am passionate about.

 My father was a keen fisherman, with a little boat, 'Spindrift', that he would take us out in, so I guess I got my sea legs pretty early on in life, developing a love an respect for the ocean that has stayed with me throughout my life.

  As the daughter and sister of keen fishermen, I  would spend almost every weekend parked with my Mother in a  huddle on Chesil Beach at Weymouth, she with her knitting, me with my books, whiling away the day waiting for the magic twang of the rod! Then would come the excited squeals of the boys as the catch was reeled in! - gosh, how I felt for those fish!

In my heart I would be shooing them away, it was like a game.  If they swam fast enough then they were free to roam the ocean. If they didn't they were destined to become supper.  So fish and their response to food has always been a fascination to me. Fish are very cunning, and will individually approach food cautiously. In a shoal however, mass hysteria takes over and it is every fish for himself, much to the joy and good fortune of the fisherman! 

I have always been lucky enough to live just a stone's throw from the ocean, - 400 yards where I am now, and in my childhood probably about 50 feet - as a consequence I have studied the sea almost daily and like to think that, over the years,  I have gotten to know the moods of the ocean quite well.  

Birds on the other hand ... well that is another story entirely.  My Grandfather kept aviaries of Budgerigars and Canaries.  They sang and sang as I wandered in his beautiful rose garden, which was adjacent to the aviaries. Between the birdsong and the fragrant flowers, I would become soothed, calm and restful.  How I loved this wonderfully nurturing environment.  When I married I too was fortunate enough to have a garden large enough to house not just a pond, but an aviary or two, and bred Budgerigars and Cockatiels.  Eventually teaching them to talk, sing and whistle popular tunes. The neighbours were not impressed at 4 am when the birds would start their tuneful dawn chorus! Thank goodness Goddy was kind enough to put us next door to a fellow bird breeder!  Strength in numbers - particularly when you are pacifying the rest of the neighbourhood!!

So there you have it, two of my greatest painterly loves and how they came to be! 
I am also delighted to share with you some other works that also embrace nature and her kingdom.

The Gateway
Acrylic Ink On Canvas 16 x 16"
(c) Copyright Kate Lomax 2007 All Rights Reserved
This is a gateway that opens on to the delightful little river that runs through Winchester. Painted in
2008, I of course added the Koi who are magical and only appear on days without a D in.
The gateways along this river are reputed to have been used
by smugglers in bygone years when going abroad for the Christmas wine
involved smugglers and pirates, and was a tad more exciting than a booze cruise or jaunt on  Eurostar!

A Mouse in Her House
Acrylic On Canvas 20 x 50 cm
Private Collection
(c) Copyright Kate Lomax 2006 All Rights Reserved
Look at her!  I had a little field mouse that used to visit and curl up in empty plant pots.  Eventually,
she found her way into the the big plastic rubbish chest, and eventually became quite tame, emerging
if I arrived with fresh fruit peelings or peanut butter crackers. She lived there quite happily
for several years, and one day she was gone. I guess she found a proper house - and doesn't she look quite the lady!

The Hunter
Oil On Canvas 24 x 30 cm
(c) Copyright Kate Lomax 2010 All Rights Reserved
This was painted in the early summer of this year, after watching one of the baby frogs in my pond
stalk some old rotting plant debris protruding out of the water.
It was fascinating to watch such a youngster follow his natural instinct to
investigate the potential supper! 

Watching The Tide Roll In
Oil On Canvas 16 x 16"
Private Collection - London
(c) Copyright Kate Lomax 2008 All Rights Reserved
Sitting on the beach at Hill Head, I often watch the tide movements, maybe while
reading a book or painting.
The stretch of water known as the Solent, stretches from Southampton to the
West to Portsmouth & Chichester in the East, and is essentially the bit of water between
the Isle Of Wight and the mainland.  The movement of the water is
very erratic, with waves rolling in from the east side of the island
and the western side.  Therefore as you sit and watch, the water laps the beach
from all directions, giving every tide's seascape complete uniqueness.  This is what
I sought to capture on this canvas.

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